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© 2021 Louise Carrie Wales / Louise Wales Field.
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Design Work

In addition, my breadth of interests is an asset in the classroom. It allows me to understand students from varied backgrounds and provide them with tailored guidance. Graphic design attracts multiple majors—including illustrators, motion media designers, advertisers and photographers. Understanding the intersections that connect these many disciplines benefits everyone and opens more avenues for expression. An interdisciplinary approach allows for layers of visual assets that can come together to tell stories in new ways. For a young designer starting out, it means an open mind and an awareness of a limitless palette of available tools.
I love teaching. It makes my passion for graphic design concrete. In a very real sense, teaching is visual communication—from encouraging and moderating discussion to disseminating information in an organized, digestible form. I have enjoyed being the steward of a platform from which students can fuel their own passion for design and launch into careers with varied sets of skills. In Paul Rand’s words, “Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.”